I went to Paleolithic Festival with my family yesterday. There were various events. My wife's hometown is famous for Relic Drawing cave paintings face painting I ate pork that was stuck in a tree. build a house in the Paleolithic Age with branches. The most interesting thing was the game of throwing shoes and putting them on the shelf. But my son accidentally hit someone else, so I apologized fo..
The height of the mountain is 130MIt takes less than 30 minutes to the top of the mountainBecause I haven't worked out for a long time I thought It would be hard for me.It's been a long time to go to the mountain But after climbing I almost passed out I was super tired and exhausted and my belly hurt a little bitDo you feel the baby moving around? Sometimes she kicks really hard and it hurts a l..
have a crush on ~ 를 짝사랑하다 I once ~ 한 적이 있다 freshman year of college 대학교 1학년 straight black hair 검은 생머리 pure, innocent face 청순 가련형 얼굴 be infatuated with ~ 에게 푹 빠지다 stand a chance 가능성이 있다 way out of one's league 감히 넘볼 수 없는, 과분한 be up to ~ 를 하다 ~ 에 종사하다 I once had a crush on a girl I met in my freshman year of college. Her name was Lee Jeong-a and we had the same major. She had straight black hair ..
spouse 배우자personality 성격character 사람됨됨이top priority 최우선 순위 compatible 뜻이 맞는, 호환성이 있는 incompatible the way I am 나 자신 그대로there's no denying that = I can't deny that ~ 를 부인할 수 없다looks 외모appearance 외모in the fist place 처음에 feminine 여성스러운I have a high standard 눈이 높다care about ~ 를 아끼다I don't mind if ~ 해도 상관없다Beer belly 배 나온 상태receding hairline 벗겨지는 머리 I have to say personality is the top priority for m..
Staff dinner 회식 = company night out, company get togetherpass out on the bed 침대에 뻗다pass out 기절하다nasty fight 큰 싸움nasty hang over 지독한 숙취accuse A of B A에게 B를 추궁하다storm out 뛰쳐나가다Storm in 쳐들어오다blow off steam 열을 식히다, 화를 식히다make up 화해하다 My husband came home really late after a company night out recently. It wasn’t the first time he had come home late that week, so I got really angry. He was very drunk ..
foreign currency dealer 외환딜러go way back 오래전부터 알고 지내다be tight up 친밀하다take(attend) a language course(overseas) 어학연수 가다 We fall out of touch 우리 연락 안하고 지내We lost contact 우리는 연락이 끊겼어 He's very outgoing, cheerful and has a greate sense of humoroutgoing 외향적인 One of my closest friends is Kim Tae-jin. Tae-jin currently works for a bank as a foreign currency dealer.He and I go way back as we went to high ..
I hope You can make it 나는 나거 올수 있기를 희망해 building number 아파트 동 apartment number 호수 I'm leaving this message since you're not picking up 전화받지 않아서 메세지 남겨 have people over (= invite) 초대하다 right on your left 왼쪽 apartment complex 아파트 단지 entrance number 5 = 5번 출구 I don't think I can make it 나 못갈것 같아 I can't make it on time 제시간에 못갈 것 같아 Well, give me a call when you get this Bye 이 메세지 받으면 연락줘 Hi there, ..
My wife and I both work, so I try to help her out with household chores as much as I can. But I have to admit that she does more housework than I do. First, my wife does most of the cooking and does the dishes most of the time. She also takes care of the laundry. I sometimes help her with hanging the laundry or folding the clothes, though. My wife also makes the beds and cleans things in the kit..
(Shinchon) I live in Shinchon, which is one of the most famous university districts in Seoul. Four famous schools, Yonsei, Sogang, Hongik, and Ewha Womans University are all very close by. Shinchon is well-known for its youth culture. The streets of Shinchon are filled with youngsters wearing the latest fashion . The back alleys are full of fashion boutiques, karaoke rooms, clubs, and restaurant..
spacious 넓은 studio apartment 원룸 downtown 시내 step into ~에 들어서다 bath tub 욕조 hot tub 온탕 shower stall 샤워부스 stove 가스레인지 cupboard 찬장 = kitchen cabinet dine 밥을 먹다 save up money 돈을 모으다 I live alone in a small studio apartment in downtown Busan. As soon as I step into my studio, the bathroom is right on the left. It has a shower stall, but no bath tub. On the right is the kitchen, which has a stove and a..
dog person 개를 좋아하는 사람 dog lover 애견가 animal lover 동물 애호가 big-time 광장한 named 이름이 ~ 이다. fur 털 well-behaved 얌전한 말을 잘 듣는 take out for a walk 산책시키다 wag one's tail 꼬리를 흔들다 bark one's head off 심하게 짖다 scream one's head off 심하게 소리 지르다 All my family members are big-time dog lovers. Currently, we raise two dogs. One is a 5 –year-old Yorkshire Terrier named Minki and the other is an 11-month-old Maltese name..
caring 자상한 make one's way u[ the corporate ladder 기업에서 꾸준히 승진하다 top management 최고 경영진 sales figures 매출 총액 on one's watch ~ 의 임기중에 eldest 맏이 start out 시작하다 make time 시간을 내다 One of my biggest role models is the president of the company I work for. He started to work at the company as an entry-level employee 30 years ago. But he made his way up the corporate ladder and managed to enter top manageme..
I guess it all depends on what type of trip you’re going on. If you just want to chill out at a resort island, it’s better to go on an individual trip, which has more freedom. There’s really no point of having a tour guide since you’ll be spending most of your time just relaxing. However, for places with a lot of sightseeing involved, it is much better to join a group tour. It really helps to ha..
amphitheater 야외극장 ride 놀이기구 theme park / amusement park 놀이공원 fun fair 유원지 go on a ride 놀이기구를 타다 try out = go on 한번 해보다, 시도하다 scary ride 놀이기구 water ride 물에 젖게 되는 놀이기구 wave pool 파도 풀 go on the waterslide 물 미끄럼틀을 타다 hit the waterslide hit the shower 샤워하다 steep 가파른 go straight down 수직 강하하다 get water up one's nose 코에 물이 들어가다 get water in one's ear 귀에 물이 들어가다 have a life vest on 구명조끼를 입다 stand in line..
bond / mingle with friends 친구들과 어울리다 It helps break the ice, loosen up the moods stand for ~ 상징하다 의미하다 take together 같이가다 create a stronger bond 사이를 더욱 돈독하게 하다 chip in money 돈을 조금씩 나눠내다 Let's all chip in 우리 돈을 조금씩 걷읍시다 I'll chip in 저도 보탤께요 engage in 참여하다 end up ~ 결국엔 ~ 되다 take place 진행되다 일어나다 happen There is something called “MT” in Korea, which stands for “membership training.” An MT refers to ..
metal detector 금속 탐지기 go through security 보안 검색을 거치다 baggage claim area go through immigration 입국심사를 하다 check out 숙소에서 나올때 check out counter 계산대 I'm heading out 나 지금 막 나가고 있어 departure time 출발시각 check one's bag 짐을 부치다. How many bags do you have to check? in-flight meal 기내식 When I’m going on a trip abroad, I first head to the Incheon International Airport. There are special airport buses called “..
plant , factory 공장 be there on business ~ 에 사업차 가다 = go somewhere on business I'm going there on business be scheduled for ~ 할 예정이다 be focused on ~ 에 초점이 맞춰진 itinerary 일정, 여정 The meeting is scheduled for two hour go sightseeing 관광을 하다 take on business 출장가다 get the opportunity to ~ 할 기회를 얻다 night view 야경 magnificent 환상적인 = great, excellent As the company I work for has a production facility in Ch..
so far 지금까지는 (until now) be on a trip I have been on one trip be on a shoesting budget 예산이 빠듯하다 live out of a bag 가방 하나로 버티다 invaluable 정말로 값진(valuable의 강조) see ~ with my own eyes 내 눈으로 직접 보다 culturally-sensitive 다른 문화를 잘 이해하는 fell more confident about oneself 자신에 대해 더욱 자신감을 갖다 As I experienced a lot of culture shock I’ve been on a few backpacking trips so far in my life. When I was in college, ..
in and out of Korea 한국 국내의 spot 장소 shoreline 해안선 pension 연금 as for ~ 에 있어서는 tropical resort 열대 휴양지 bungalow 방갈로 overnight trip 1박2일 여행 I’ve been to many places in and out of Korea on my vacation. My favorite spot in Korea is Jeju Island. Jeju is a great place to relax while enjoying the beautiful shoreline. There are many vacation cottages that are right in front of the ocean. And you can have p..
relatively 상대적으로 high-maintenance 신경을 많이 써야하는 low-maintenance 신경을 덜 쓰는 value double 2배가 되다 take out a loan 대출을 받다 get a loan 대출을 받다 studio apartment 원룸 아파트 put up for rent 임대하다 I invest my money in various places. First, I invest a certain amount of money in stock funds every month. There are several global and domestic funds I invest in. I used to do day trading myself up until a few years ago,..
transfer money 송금 typical 전형적인 대표적인 electronic appliances 전자제품 return something 반품하다 = send something back review 사용자 평 get a refund 환불받다 The most common thing I buy online is tickets for movies or performances. By buying tickets online in advance, I can make sure there are seats left. Also, I can save time by not having to wait in line in front of the ticket booth. Another typical thing I buy o..
spreadsheet 숫자관련 회계 I use my computer for most of my work. I write documents with Microsoft Word and also use the Excel program when I’m working with numbers. I make use of Powerpoint to make slides for presentations. Besides work, I use my computer to listen to music and watch movies, too. I burn music CDs with various songs I like on them. I use Photoshop to edit pictures I’ve taken. My comput..
musical score/musical note 악보 slow learner 배우는게 느린 사람 sense of rhythm 리듬 감각 sense of direction 방향 감각 come to think of it 생각해보니 My mother sent me to piano lessons when I was in elementary school. The piano lessons helped me learn how to read musical scores. However, I did not like playing the piano at all back then. I wanted to quit many times because I was such a slow learner. When I was in midd..
sketch comedy 공개 코미디 tune in to ~을 시청하다 Let's go catch a movie ~ TV프로 등을 보다 in-depth 심층 TV magazine program 시사 프로 thought-provoking 생각을 하게 하는 food for thought 생각해볼만한 be hooked on ~ 에 빠지다 = be addicted to the cast 출연진 rerun 재방송 episode 프로그램의 한회분 방송 I always catch the 9 o’clock news, the weather forecast, and the sports news every day. There are several in-depth TV magazine programs I sometimes tu..
Korean movies are even being exported all over the world star 주연하다 sequel 속편 I don’t have a particular genre of movie I like. I pretty much watch whatever is being played whether it’s a thriller, a romantic comedy, an action movie, science fiction, fantasy or even an animation flick. The only type of movie I don’t watch is horror movies because they give me nightmares. Other than horror movies, ..
sushi 초밥 sashimi 생선회 atmosphere is very pleasant 분위기는 매우 좋다 on special occasions 특별한 날 off and on 가끔 right across the street 길 건너 바로 One of my favorite restaurants is a Japanese place in downtown Seoul. It has some of the best sushi and sashimi in town. If you sit at the sushi bar in the hall area, you can choose from various types of sushi on a conveyer belt. If you sit in a separate room, you ..
My mother sent me to swimming lessons 어머니가 수영강습 받게 하셨습니다. PE Class = 체육시간 = gym class Physical education class gym clothes 체육복 take a semester of ~ 한학기를 수강하다 The first sport I learned in my life was swimming. My mother sent me to swimming lessons when I was very little. I become quite good at it and even participated in some swimming competitions for kids. When I was in middle and high school, I..
sensation 큰 인기의 근원, 대사건, 감동 adorable 귀여운 사랑스러운 well-mannered 예의바른 modest=humble 겸손한 outstanding 뛰어난 One of my favorite sports stars is swimmer Park Tae-hwan. He became a national hero after he won Korea’s first gold medal in swimming in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Park has also shown some impressive achievements in other international competitions as well. He has been nicknamed “Marine Boy” and “..
pour out onto the streets 길거리로 나오다. cheer for 응원하다 = root for overtime 연장전 tiebreaker 승부차기 scoreless 무득점 beat 물리치다 grab the gold 금메달 거머쥐다 For many Koreans, the 2002 FIFA World Cup was one of the most memorable sporting events in their lives. The games were held in Korea and Japan and millions of Koreans poured out onto the streets to cheer for the Korean team. I still vividly remember the quarte..
get a percent off the price 퍼센트를 할인받다 issue 발급하다 buy three for the price of two 2개 가격으로 3개를 산다 First of all, when department stores have their sales, we can get 30 percent off the original prices. Another type of discount we get is through membership cards from our mobile carriers. Mobile carriers issue point cards we can use to get discounts at various locations. Another typical discount you ge..
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