티스토리 뷰


get a percent off the price 퍼센트를 할인받다

issue 발급하다


buy three for the price of two 2개 가격으로 3개를 산다


First of all, when department stores have their sales, we can get 30 percent off the original prices. Another type of discount we get is through membership cards from our mobile carriers. Mobile carriers issue point cards we can use to get discounts at various locations. Another typical discount you get is through credit cards. There are many credit cards that can be used to get discounts at gas stations. Coffee shops also have some type of mileage cards they hand out to their customers. You get stamps on these cards whenever you buy a drink. If you get over a certain number of stamps, you get a free drink. Of course, there are also coupon books from large discount stores you can use at their chains. Also, if you collect a certain number of coupons from pizza places, you can get a free pizza.



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