티스토리 뷰

(Shinchon) I live in Shinchon, which is one of the most famous university districts in Seoul.

 Four famous schools, Yonsei, Sogang, Hongik, and Ewha Womans University are all very close by.

Shinchon is well-known for its youth culture.

 The streets of Shinchon are filled with youngsters wearing the latest fashion

. The back alleys are full of fashion boutiques, karaoke rooms, clubs, and restaurants.

The neighborhood has a lively atmosphere and a very busy nightlife.
(Ilsan) I live in a suburban residential city called Ilsan, which is north of Seoul.

 When I first moved to this area ten years ago, there was hardly anything else other than apartment buildings.

 But the population started to grow substantially and tons of facilities have been built.

Now there are large discount stores, movie theaters, a convention hall, and so many places to eat and drink.

 There is also a huge park that has the biggest man-made lake in the country.

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