티스토리 뷰


My wife and I both work, so I try to help her out with household chores as much as I can.

 But I have to admit that she does more housework than I do.

First, my wife does most of the cooking and does the dishes most of the time.

She also takes care of the laundry.

I sometimes help her with hanging the laundry or folding the clothes, though.

 My wife also makes the beds and cleans things in the kitchen like the stove and fridge.

 On the other hand, I normally clean the house and the bathroom.

I vacuum the living room and the bedrooms and also mop the floors.

Also, I’m in charge of taking out the garbage and the recycling once a week.

 I’m the one who takes out the food wasted, too.

I also change the light bulbs in the house when they go out.

 During the weekend, I also take our car to the carwash to get it cleaned

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