13강 아침, 저녁형 인간
night owls 올빼미족
early birds 참새족
food coma 식곤증
I would say ~ 부드럽게 그냥 시작하는 말
pull an all-nighter 밤을 새다
distraction 산만하게 하는 것
I would say I’m definitely a night person.
I don’t know why but I just like to stay up late and do things at night.
I don’t go to bed until three a.m. even when I don’t have anything particular to do.
When it’s right before mid-terms, I always pull all-nighters.
I’d probably get a nap for a few hours in the afternoon or evening and stay up all night studying.
I like studying at night and early into the morning as there are less distractions.
I can focus on what I’m doing and that’s it.
Overall, I think I can manage with less sleep than most people.
I can get by with four to five hours of sleep a day.
It’s just that in the mornings, I feel really sleepy.
One of my friends is quite the opposite.
She’s really an early bird and wakes up at like five in the morning.
But as I’ve said, I’m just a typical night owl.