26강 누구인지 묻기
2015. 7. 8. 19:09
Who is in charge here? 여기 책임자가 누구죠?
Who is winning?
Who is starring in the movie?
Who is the tall man behind Julie?
Who is your teacher?
Who is your favorite actor?
Who is your favorite author?
Who is your physician?
Who's going to sing first?
Who's going to drive the van?
Who's going to do the dishes tonight?
Who's going to watch this?
Who wants another hamburger?
Who wants to be Cinderella?
Who wants to try it first?
Who wants to know?
Whose jacket is it?
Whose turn is it?
Whose fault is it?
We ditched class 꾀부려 쉬다
Melinda made me birthday cake
Who wants to try it first?
Why don't you try it firs, birthday boy?